Showing 33–48 of 250 results
Friar Tuck or a medieval monk. This is a quick and easy costume to throw on and especially good on a cold night with your own clothes on underneath.
Classy brown pirate long line jacket with gold buttons and matching pirate pants. Add some pirate accessories for a great costume.
Our butler costume consists of a tails jacket and black pants, a white shirt, cravat and cumberband with a top hat or bowler hat.
Stars and Stripes Captain America padded jumpsuit with separate headgear. Fly into action at your next Super Hero party!
By hook or by crook. Captain Hook makes the ultimate pirate costume character. Add some accessories and pirate boots.
The cardinal costume, also good for an Arch Bishop comprises a long robe with purple over tunic and long shoulder piece. Add a cross for good measure. Team up with a nun or two for a jolly good time.
Cook up a storm as the Chef. A fun character to play as Gordon Ramsey in Hell’s Kitchen, or the famous foodie rat in Ratatouille.
From the movie the green and yellow Christmas Elf consists of the jacket, leggings, belt and hat.
Red waistcoat, white shirt, green elastic waist pants, striped stocking, matching elf hat and black leather belt.
Cleopatra white dress with matching blue and gold trimmed shoulder cape. A hip belt, cuffs and collar accessorise this costume nicely. Add your Cleopatra wig and gold beaded headpiece for a complete Hollywood look.
Lock these bad ones up ….black and white stripe prisoner costumes and the police romper jumpsuit. Add some handcuffs, a police baton and hat.
The scary grey jester costume set with jagged hemlined robe and headgear. Add some scary makeup for a different Halloween costume choice.
Medieval Crusader costume with burgundy navy floral tunic top, grey mesh top, hood, arm pieces, and pants.
Red tunic Crusader cross top, grey top, pants and hood. Add a sword and shield to go do battle.