I have read and agree to the following terms and conditions of hire –
- Retail costs, hire fees and bonds are to be paid in full before the costumes are collected from Petticoat Lane Costume Hire premises.
- All courier charges are to be paid by the customer.
- Costumes, wigs and accessories hired are not to be altered in any way. (refer to point 9 below)
- Do not wash costume as we prefer to do all the laundering ourselves. (refer to point 8 below)
- Providing all costumes and accessories hired are returned by the agreed date, in the same condition as at the time of hire, your bond will be refunded.
- Failure to return costumes and accessories hired by the agreed date means the customer will incur an additional weekly hire charge for each week or part week outstanding.
- Uncollected bonds are held only until the end of the trading week in which the costume has been returned. If the customer has not collected the bond by that time, it will be lost.
- If costumes are returned in a damaged or excessively stained condition an extra charge will be made for cleaning.
- Loss of, or damage to, costumes, wigs and accessories will be charged at the repair and / or full replacement cost.
- Loss of, or damage to, Petticoat Lane supplied costume carry bags will we charged at the repair and / or full replacement cost which is $5 per bag.
- All costs incurred by Petticoat Lane Costume Hire Ltd. in the recovery of debts will be charged to the customer in addition to the original debt.
- Subject to the rights conferred under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, no refunds or exchanges on hires.
- Subject to the rights conferred under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, refunds on retail purchases will only be made where items are defective and can not be replaced.
- A cancellation fee of $10 per costume will be held on all cancelled bookings.
Please click here for a pdf version of PL Terms and Conditions (56.06 KB)